Wednesday 21 October 2015


Webpages are not same for SEO and users. So, we going to learn how to construct a webpage which was understandable to both search engine and users.

For the Search Engine to do the listing of your web pages, important content of your page must be in HTML Format. Images, Flash Content and other non-text content are usually ignored by Search Engine.

For the search engine to crawl the pages in your website, you need to place an actual text. We can do it by adding the text in the image as follows in link tags.

<a href = “image1.jpg”></a>
This Link add the image in your website without any text, making your search engine to ignore.

<a href = “image1.jpg”>blogger</a>
This Link contains a text “blogger”, so search engine use the blogger as a keyword for this particular page.

Usage and Targeting

Web Contains very large amount of data, so it is not possible for search engines to save each and every page but instead it stores the keyword as a reference for the page and gives result almost instantaneously.

If you want to rank your page for searching specific keyword, then make that keyword as a crawlable content of your webpage.


When we enter the words for search, it depends on how specific the keyword is, like Orders of the keyword, Punctuation and other additional information, to retrieve the right pages.

Keyword you choose must prominently used in titles, text and metadata. More specific the keyword is, you narrow and improve your chance of high ranking.

Keyword Abuse

If the keyword searched is not relevant to the webpage, results in lower page ranking. The point of using keyword is not to rank high in search, but to provide the relevant results for the peoples searching for the specific content. Relevant content of the webpage for the search gives you higher ranking in search results.

Click here to read about On-Page Optimization
Click here to read about Search Engine Marketing

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